Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Goodbye Gummy smiles and 6 mth stats.

Gianna woke up with a bit of a fever today so I gave her some Tylenol, fed her and did what I do every morning at least once- felt her gums for teeth. To my surprise I felt something!! We have a tooth!! I can feel it but I have yet to see it. Little stinker will not let me look into her mouth no matter how much bribing I am doing. It's the bottom left tooth. The right bottom tooth looked like its going to come up any day now when I looked yesterday.

Funny thing is that the doctor yesterday said that she did not see any teething going on when she looked at Gianna's gums yesterday. She actually said and I quote "Its going to be a while before she gets any teeth." Of course my daughter had to prove that mean lady who poked and prodded her wrong. I am going to miss that gummy smile.

She officially weighs 19 lbs and 13 ounces and is in the 95% for weight. She is 28 inches long. Which means we are back on the charts for height at 99%. Her head is in the 70% but I can not for the life of me remember the measurements and I am too lazy to go look it up.


  1. :) I love that she proved the doc wrong!

  2. Congrats on being featured. my little guy at 7+months is still all gums. Glad you got a tooth the hard part of teething should be over for you!

  3. We are featured together on the D-Listed! Great blog beautiful baby!

  4. I just found your blog through the D-list! Our babies are right around the same age! Your little one is adorable! That is funny my doctor told me the same thing the other day, hmm...wonder If we will have a tooth soon...

  5. Yay, Gianna! Doctors are always wrong about teething! Just wait until it comes in a little more... those toothy smiles are the best! Just when you thought she couldn't get any cuter, she will! :)

  6. Yah for teeth! =) What works for me to see my daughters teeth is....k, this will sounds crazy...but I hang her upside down and tickle her lol She smiles HUGE and you can see all the little toothers poking through!

    Happy Hanging! =)

  7. YEAH!!! Go Miss G!! Her and Rosemary are teeth buddies. :) In a another week it'll probably be out so much you'll HAVE to see it!
